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Clean up

Jonathan "Duke" Leto 2 years ago
  1. 6
  2. 5
  3. 62


@ -1326,7 +1326,7 @@ Ei näytä suojatulta Zs-osoitteelta</translation>
<source>You have hushd set to start as a daemon, which can cause problems with silentdragon
.Please remove the following line from your zcash.conf and restart silentdragon
.Please remove the following line from your HUSH3.conf and restart silentdragon
<translation type="obsolete">YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE</translation>
@ -1335,13 +1335,13 @@ daemon=1</source>
Please try restarting.
If you previously started hushd with custom arguments, you might need to reset zcash.conf.
If you previously started hushd with custom arguments, you might need to reset HUSH3.conf.
If all else fails, please run hushd manually.</source>
<translation type="obsolete">YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE</translation>
<source>Couldn&apos;t connect to hushd configured in zcash.conf.
<source>Couldn&apos;t connect to hushd configured in HUSH3.conf.
Not starting embedded hushd because --no-embedded was passed</source>
<translation type="obsolete">YOUR_TRANSLATION_HERE</translation>


@ -274,13 +274,12 @@ void AddressBook::readFromStorage() {
// Special.
// Add the default ZecWallet donation address if it isn't already present
// Add the default donation address if it isn't already present
// QList<QString> allAddresses;
// std::transform(allLabels.begin(), allLabels.end(),
// std::back_inserter(allAddresses), [=] (auto i) { return i.second; });
// if (!allAddresses.contains(Settings::getDonationAddr())) {
// allLabels.append(QPair<QString, QString>("ZecWallet donation", Settings::getDonationAddr()));
// allLabels.append(QPair<QString, QString>("SilentDragon donation", Settings::getDonationAddr()));
// }


@ -8,11 +8,11 @@ param (
Write-Host "[Initializing]"
Remove-Item -Force -ErrorAction Ignore ./artifacts/linux-binaries-zecwallet-v$version.tar.gz
Remove-Item -Force -ErrorAction Ignore ./artifacts/linux-deb-zecwallet-v$version.deb
Remove-Item -Force -ErrorAction Ignore ./artifacts/Windows-binaries-zecwallet-v$
Remove-Item -Force -ErrorAction Ignore ./artifacts/Windows-installer-zecwallet-v$version.msi
Remove-Item -Force -ErrorAction Ignore ./artifacts/macOS-zecwallet-v$version.dmg
Remove-Item -Force -ErrorAction Ignore ./artifacts/linux-binaries-silentdragon-v$version.tar.gz
Remove-Item -Force -ErrorAction Ignore ./artifacts/linux-deb-silentdragon-v$version.deb
Remove-Item -Force -ErrorAction Ignore ./artifacts/Windows-binaries-silentdragon-v$
Remove-Item -Force -ErrorAction Ignore ./artifacts/Windows-installer-silentdragon-v$version.msi
Remove-Item -Force -ErrorAction Ignore ./artifacts/macOS-silentdragon-v$version.dmg
Remove-Item -Force -ErrorAction Ignore ./artifacts/signatures-v$version.tar.gz
@ -38,26 +38,26 @@ Write-Host ""
Write-Host "[Building Linux + Windows]"
Write-Host -NoNewline "Copying files.........."
ssh $server "rm -rf /tmp/zqwbuild"
ssh $server "mkdir /tmp/zqwbuild"
scp -r src/ singleapplication/ res/ ./ ./application.qrc ./LICENSE ./ ${server}:/tmp/zqwbuild/ | Out-Null
ssh $server "dos2unix -q /tmp/zqwbuild/src/scripts/" | Out-Null
ssh $server "dos2unix -q /tmp/zqwbuild/src/version.h"
ssh $server "rm -rf /tmp/sdbuild"
ssh $server "mkdir /tmp/sdbuild"
scp -r src/ singleapplication/ res/ ./ ./application.qrc ./LICENSE ./ ${server}:/tmp/sdbuild/ | Out-Null
ssh $server "dos2unix -q /tmp/sdbuild/src/scripts/" | Out-Null
ssh $server "dos2unix -q /tmp/sdbuild/src/version.h"
Write-Host "[OK]"
ssh $server "cd /tmp/zqwbuild && APP_VERSION=$version PREV_VERSION=$prev bash src/scripts/"
ssh $server "cd /tmp/sdbuild && APP_VERSION=$version PREV_VERSION=$prev bash src/scripts/"
if (!$?) {
Write-Output "[Error]"
exit 1;
New-Item artifacts -itemtype directory -Force | Out-Null
scp ${server}:/tmp/zqwbuild/artifacts/* artifacts/ | Out-Null
scp -r ${server}:/tmp/zqwbuild/release . | Out-Null
scp ${server}:/tmp/sdbuild/artifacts/* artifacts/ | Out-Null
scp -r ${server}:/tmp/sdbuild/release . | Out-Null
Write-Host -NoNewline "Building Installer....."
ssh $winserver "Remove-Item -Path zqwbuild -Recurse" | Out-Null
ssh $winserver "New-Item zqwbuild -itemtype directory" | Out-Null
ssh $winserver "Remove-Item -Path sdbuild -Recurse" | Out-Null
ssh $winserver "New-Item sdbuild -itemtype directory" | Out-Null
# Note: For some mysterious reason, we can't seem to do a scp from here to windows machine.
# So, we'll ssh to windows, and execute an scp command to pull files from here to there.
@ -65,33 +65,33 @@ ssh $winserver "New-Item zqwbuild -itemtype directory" | Out-Null
# so we ssh to windows, and then scp push the file to here.
$myhostname = (hostname) | Out-String -NoNewline
# Powershell seems not to be able to remove this directory for some reason!
# Remove-Item -Path /tmp/zqwbuild -Recurse -ErrorAction Ignore | Out-Null
bash "rm -rf /tmp/zqwbuild" 2>&1 | Out-Null
New-Item -Path /tmp/zqwbuild -itemtype directory -Force | Out-Null
Copy-Item src /tmp/zqwbuild/ -Recurse -Force
Copy-Item res /tmp/zqwbuild/ -Recurse -Force
Copy-Item release /tmp/zqwbuild/ -Recurse -Force
# Remove-Item -Path /tmp/sdbuild -Recurse -ErrorAction Ignore | Out-Null
bash "rm -rf /tmp/sdbuild" 2>&1 | Out-Null
New-Item -Path /tmp/sdbuild -itemtype directory -Force | Out-Null
Copy-Item src /tmp/sdbuild/ -Recurse -Force
Copy-Item res /tmp/sdbuild/ -Recurse -Force
Copy-Item release /tmp/sdbuild/ -Recurse -Force
# Remove some unnecessary stuff from the tmp directory to speed up copying
Remove-Item -Recurse -ErrorAction Ignore /tmp/zqwbuild/res/libsodium
Remove-Item -Recurse -ErrorAction Ignore /tmp/sdbuild/res/libsodium
ssh $winserver "scp -r ${myhostname}:/tmp/zqwbuild/* zqwbuild/"
ssh $winserver "cd zqwbuild ; src/scripts/mkwininstaller.ps1 -version $version" >/dev/null
ssh $winserver "scp -r ${myhostname}:/tmp/sdbuild/* sdbuild/"
ssh $winserver "cd sdbuild ; src/scripts/mkwininstaller.ps1 -version $version" >/dev/null
if (!$?) {
Write-Output "[Error]"
exit 1;
ssh $winserver "scp zqwbuild/artifacts/* ${myhostname}:/tmp/zqwbuild/"
Copy-Item /tmp/zqwbuild/*.msi artifacts/
ssh $winserver "scp sdbuild/artifacts/* ${myhostname}:/tmp/sdbuild/"
Copy-Item /tmp/sdbuild/*.msi artifacts/
Write-Host "[OK]"
# Finally, test to make sure all files exist
Write-Host -NoNewline "Checking Build........."
if (! (Test-Path ./artifacts/linux-binaries-zecwallet-v$version.tar.gz) -or
! (Test-Path ./artifacts/linux-deb-zecwallet-v$version.deb) -or
! (Test-Path ./artifacts/Windows-binaries-zecwallet-v$ -or
! (Test-Path ./artifacts/macOS-zecwallet-v$version.dmg) -or
! (Test-Path ./artifacts/Windows-installer-zecwallet-v$version.msi) ) {
if (! (Test-Path ./artifacts/linux-binaries-silentdragon-v$version.tar.gz) -or
! (Test-Path ./artifacts/linux-deb-silentdragon-v$version.deb) -or
! (Test-Path ./artifacts/Windows-binaries-silentdragon-v$ -or
! (Test-Path ./artifacts/macOS-silentdragon-v$version.dmg) -or
! (Test-Path ./artifacts/Windows-installer-silentdragon-v$version.msi) ) {
Write-Host "[Error]"
exit 1;
