Hush lite wallet
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

143 lines
4.1 KiB

#include "precompiled.h"
5 years ago
#include "camount.h"
#include "datamodel.h"
#include "balancestablemodel.h"
#include "txtablemodel.h"
#include "ui_mainwindow.h"
#include "mainwindow.h"
5 years ago
#include "liteinterface.h"
#include "connection.h"
using json = nlohmann::json;
struct WatchedTx {
QString opid;
Tx tx;
std::function<void(QString, QString)> completed;
std::function<void(QString, QString)> error;
class Controller
Controller(MainWindow* main);
DataModel* getModel() { return model; }
Connection* getConnection() { return zrpc->getConnection(); }
void setConnection(Connection* c);
void refresh(bool force = false);
void refreshAddresses();
void checkForUpdate(bool silent = true);
void refreshZECPrice();
void executeStandardUITransaction(Tx tx);
void executeTransaction(Tx tx,
5 years ago
const std::function<void(QString txid)> submitted,
const std::function<void(QString txid, QString errStr)> error);
void fillTxJsonParams(json& params, Tx tx);
const TxTableModel* getTransactionsModel() { return transactionsTableModel; }
void shutdownZcashd();
void noConnection();
bool isEmbedded() { return ezcashd != nullptr; }
void encryptWallet(QString password, const std::function<void(json)>& cb) {
zrpc->encryptWallet(password, cb);
void removeWalletEncryption(QString password, const std::function<void(json)>& cb) {
zrpc->removeWalletEncryption(password, cb); }
void saveWallet(const std::function<void(json)>& cb) { zrpc->saveWallet(cb); }
void createNewZaddr(bool sapling, const std::function<void(json)>& cb) {
unlockIfEncrypted([=] () {
zrpc->createNewZaddr(sapling, cb);
}, [=](){});
void createNewTaddr(const std::function<void(json)>& cb) {
unlockIfEncrypted([=] () {
}, [=](){});
void fetchPrivKey(QString addr, const std::function<void(json)>& cb) {
unlockIfEncrypted([=] () {
zrpc->fetchPrivKey(addr, cb);
[=]() {
cb({ {"error", "Failed to unlock wallet"} });
void fetchAllPrivKeys(const std::function<void(json)> cb) {
unlockIfEncrypted([=] () {
[=]() {
cb({ {"error", "Failed to unlock wallet"} });
void fetchSeed(const std::function<void(json)> cb) {
unlockIfEncrypted([=] () {
[=]() {
cb({ {"error", "Failed to unlock wallet"} });
// void importZPrivKey(QString addr, bool rescan, const std::function<void(json)>& cb) { zrpc->importZPrivKey(addr, rescan, cb); }
// void importTPrivKey(QString addr, bool rescan, const std::function<void(json)>& cb) { zrpc->importTPrivKey(addr, rescan, cb); }
QString getDefaultSaplingAddress();
QString getDefaultTAddress();
void refreshBalances();
void refreshTransactions();
5 years ago
void processUnspent (const json& reply, QMap<QString, CAmount>* newBalances, QList<UnspentOutput>* newUnspentOutputs);
void updateUI (bool anyUnconfirmed);
void updateUIBalances ();
void getInfoThenRefresh (bool force);
void unlockIfEncrypted (std::function<void(void)> cb, std::function<void(void)> error);
QProcess* ezcashd = nullptr;
TxTableModel* transactionsTableModel = nullptr;
BalancesTableModel* balancesTableModel = nullptr;
DataModel* model;
LiteInterface* zrpc;
QTimer* timer;
QTimer* txTimer;
QTimer* priceTimer;
Ui::MainWindow* ui;
MainWindow* main;
// Current balance in the UI. If this number updates, then refresh the UI
QString currentBalance;
#endif // RPCCLIENT_H