Hush lite wallet
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5 years ago
#include "camount.h"
#include "settings.h"
#include "precompiled.h"
const int NUMPLACES = 8;
const qint64 COIN = 100000000;
double CAmount::toDecimalDouble() const {
return static_cast<double>(this->amount) / COIN;
QString CAmount::toDecimalString() const {
if (amount < 0) {
CAmount negative(-1 * this->amount);
return "-" + negative.toDecimalString();
int wholePart = amount / COIN;
int decimalPart = amount % COIN;
QString r = QString::number(wholePart);
if (decimalPart > 0) {
QString decimalPartStr = QString::number(decimalPart);
r = r + "." + decimalPartStr.rightJustified(NUMPLACES, '0');
5 years ago
// Trim tailing 0s
while (r.right(1) == "0") {
r = r.left(r.length() - 1);
5 years ago
return r;
QString CAmount::toDecimalUSDString() const {
double dblAmount = static_cast<double>(this->amount) / COIN;
double price = Settings::getInstance()->gethushPrice();
5 years ago
return "$" + QLocale(QLocale::English).toString(dblAmount*price, 'f', 2);
QString CAmount::toDecimalhushString() const {
5 years ago
return this->toDecimalString() % " " % Settings::getTokenName();
QString CAmount::toDecimalhushUSDString() const {
5 years ago
auto usdString = this->toDecimalUSDString();
if (!usdString.isEmpty())
return this->toDecimalhushString() % " (" % usdString % ")";
5 years ago
return this->toDecimalhushString();
5 years ago
CAmount CAmount::fromDecimalString(QString decimalString) {
auto amtParts = decimalString.split(".");
qint64 r = amtParts[0].toULongLong() * COIN;
if (amtParts.length() == 2) {
auto trailingZeros = QString("0").repeated(NUMPLACES - amtParts[1].length());
r += QString(amtParts[1] + trailingZeros).toULongLong();
return CAmount(r);