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cleanup of between the diffs in dev and master branch

jahway603 2 years ago
  1. 29


@ -1,17 +1,5 @@
# SilentDragonLite
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SilentDragonLite is a lightwallet for HUSH ($HUSH) runs on Linux and Windows which does not require you to download the full blockchain. This is experimental software under active development!
![HushChat screenshot](hushchat-screenshot.png)
@ -46,9 +34,10 @@ Go to the [releases page]( an
#### Building on Linux
**Nothing below will work without rust. Check that your system has rustc 1.49. If not then you need to use [Rustup in Linux](**
**Nothing below will work without rust. Check that your system has rustc 1.49. If not then you need to use [Rustup in Linux](**
An example of how to install Rust 1.49 with rustup is below:
##### Install Rust & Change Version
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
Choose: 1) Proceed with installation (default)
@ -56,7 +45,9 @@ source $HOME/.cargo/env
rustup install 1.49
rustup default 1.49
rustup -V
**Nothing below will work without the Linux "build-essential" package. Check that your system has it installed. If not, and you're using a Ubuntu/Debian distro, then you can install with `apt install build-essential`.**
Compiling can take some time, so be patient and wait for it to finish. It will take potentially a long time for slower systems. Be Patient and please report compiler problems!
@ -94,9 +85,15 @@ SilentDragonLite does automatic note and utxo management, which means it doesn't
* Will automatically shield your transparent funds at the first opportunity
* When sending an outgoing transaction to a shielded address, SilentDragonLite can decide to use the transaction to additionally shield your transparent funds (i.e., send your transparent funds to your own shielded address in the same transaction)
## Where is my wallet stored?
Linux: `~/.silentdragonlite`
Windows 10: `C:\Users\%user\AppData\Roaming\silentdragonlite`
## Support
For support join us on [Telegram Support](, or our [Main Telegram]( or tweet at [@MyHushTeam](, or toot at our [Mastodon](, or [file an issue](
For support join us on [Telegram Support](, or our [Main Telegram](, or toot at our [Mastodon](, or [file an issue](
You can also subscribe to our channels on [PeerTube](, on [YouTube](, or on [Odyssee/LBRY](
