Hush lite wallet
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

291 lines
8.5 KiB

#include "turnstile.h"
#include "mainwindow.h"
#include "rpc.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "settings.h"
#include "precompiled.h"
using json = nlohmann::json;
Turnstile::Turnstile(RPC* _rpc) {
this->rpc = _rpc;
Turnstile::~Turnstile() {
void printPlan(QList<TurnstileMigrationItem> plan) {
for (auto item : plan) {
qDebug() << item.fromAddr << item.intTAddr
<< item.destAddr << item.amount << item.blockNumber << item.chaff << item.status;
QString Turnstile::writeableFile() {
auto filename = QStringLiteral("turnstilemigrationplan.dat");
auto dir = QDir(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::AppDataLocation));
if (!dir.exists())
if (Settings::getInstance()->isTestnet()) {
return dir.filePath("testnet-" % filename);
} else {
return dir.filePath(filename);
// Data stream write/read methods for migration items
QDataStream &operator<<(QDataStream& ds, const TurnstileMigrationItem& item) {
return ds << QString("v1") << item.fromAddr << item.intTAddr
<< item.destAddr << item.amount << item.blockNumber << item.chaff << item.status;
QDataStream &operator>>(QDataStream& ds, TurnstileMigrationItem& item) {
QString version;
return ds >> version >> item.fromAddr >> item.intTAddr
>> item.destAddr >> item.amount >> item.blockNumber >> item.chaff >> item.status;
void Turnstile::writeMigrationPlan(QList<TurnstileMigrationItem> plan) {
qDebug() << QString("Writing plan");
QFile file(writeableFile()); | QIODevice::Truncate);
QDataStream out(&file); // we will serialize the data into the file
out << plan;
QList<TurnstileMigrationItem> Turnstile::readMigrationPlan() {
QFile file(writeableFile());
QList<TurnstileMigrationItem> plan;
if (!file.exists()) return plan;;
QDataStream in(&file); // read the data serialized from the file
in >> plan;
// Sort to see when the next step is.
std::sort(plan.begin(), plan.end(), [&] (auto a, auto b) {
return a.blockNumber < b.blockNumber;
return plan;
void Turnstile::planMigration(QString zaddr, QString destAddr) {
// First, get the balance and split up the amounts
auto bal = rpc->getAllBalances()->value(zaddr);
auto splits = splitAmount(bal, 5);
// Then, generate an intermediate t-Address for each part using getBatchRPC
[=] (double /*unused*/) {
json payload = {
{"jsonrpc", "1.0"},
{"id", "someid"},
{"method", "getnewaddress"},
return payload;
[=] (QMap<double, json>* newAddrs) {
// Get block numbers
auto curBlock = Settings::getInstance()->getBlockNumber();
auto blockNumbers = getBlockNumbers(curBlock, curBlock + 3, splits.size());
// Assign the amounts to the addresses.
QList<TurnstileMigrationItem> migItems;
for (int i=0; i < splits.size(); i++) {
auto tAddr = newAddrs->values()[i].get<json::string_t>();
auto item = TurnstileMigrationItem { zaddr, QString::fromStdString(tAddr), destAddr,
blockNumbers[i], splits[i], i == splits.size() -1,
TurnstileMigrationItemStatus::NotStarted };
std::sort(migItems.begin(), migItems.end(), [&] (auto a, auto b) {
return a.blockNumber < b.blockNumber;
// The first migration is shifted to the current block, so the user sees something
// happening immediately
migItems[0].blockNumber = curBlock;
auto readPlan = readMigrationPlan();
QList<int> Turnstile::getBlockNumbers(int start, int end, int count) {
QList<int> blocks;
// Generate 'count' numbers between [start, end]
for (int i=0; i < count; i++) {
auto blk = (std::rand() % (end - start)) + start;
return blocks;
QList<double> Turnstile::splitAmount(double amount, int parts) {
QList<double> amounts;
// Need at least 0.0004 ZEC for this
if (amount < 0.0004)
return amounts;
fillAmounts(amounts, amount, parts);
// Ensure they all add up!
double sumofparts = 0;
for (auto a : amounts) {
sumofparts += a;
Q_ASSERT(sumofparts == amount);
return amounts;
void Turnstile::fillAmounts(QList<double>& amounts, double amount, int count) {
if (count == 1 || amount < 1) {
// Split the chaff.
// Chaff is all amounts lesser than 0.0001 ZEC. The chaff will be added to the
// dev fee, and is done so to protect privacy.
// Get the rounded value to 4 decimal places (approx $0.01)
double actual = std::floor(amount * 10000) / 10000;
// Reduce the Dev Tx fee from the amount
actual = actual - 0.0001; //Utils::getDevFee();
// Also account for the fees needed to send all these transactions
actual = actual - (Utils::getMinerFee() * (amounts.size() + 1));
// Calculate the chaff.
double chaff = amount - actual;
if (chaff > 0.00000001) // zcash is split down to 8 decimal places
// Get a random amount off the amount (between half and full) and call recursively.
auto curAmount = std::rand() % (int)std::floor(amount);
// Try to round it off
if (curAmount > 1000) {
curAmount = std::floor(curAmount / 100) * 100;
} else if (curAmount > 100) {
curAmount = std::floor(curAmount / 10) * 10;
if (curAmount > 0)
fillAmounts(amounts, amount - curAmount, count - 1);
void Turnstile::executeMigrationStep() {
auto plan = readMigrationPlan();
qDebug() << QString("Executing step");
// Get to the next unexecuted step
auto eligibleItem = [&] (auto item) {
return !item.chaff &&
(item.status == TurnstileMigrationItemStatus::NotStarted ||
item.status == TurnstileMigrationItemStatus::SentToT);
auto nextStep = std::find_if(plan.begin(), plan.end(), eligibleItem);
if (nextStep == plan.end()) return; // Nothing to do
qDebug() << nextStep->blockNumber << ":" << Settings::getInstance()->getBlockNumber();
if (nextStep->blockNumber > Settings::getInstance()->getBlockNumber()) return;
// Is this the last step for this address?
auto lastStep = std::find_if(std::next(nextStep), plan.end(), [&] (auto item) {
return item.fromAddr == nextStep->fromAddr && eligibleItem(item);
}) == plan.end();
// Execute this step
if (nextStep->status == TurnstileMigrationItemStatus::NotStarted) {
// Does this z addr have enough balance?
auto balance = rpc->getAllBalances()->value(nextStep->fromAddr);
if (nextStep->amount > balance) {
qDebug() << "Not enough balance!";
nextStep->status = TurnstileMigrationItemStatus::NotEnoughBalance;
QList<ToFields> to = { ToFields{ nextStep->intTAddr, nextStep->amount, "", "" } };
// If this is the last step, then add chaff and the dev fee to the tx
if (lastStep) {
auto remainingAmount = balance - nextStep->amount;
if (remainingAmount > 0) {
auto devFee = ToFields{ Utils::getDevSproutAddr(), remainingAmount, "", "" };
// Create the Tx
auto tx = Tx{ nextStep->fromAddr, to, Utils::getMinerFee() };
// And send it
doSendTx(tx, [=] () {
// Update status and write plan to disk
nextStep->status = TurnstileMigrationItemStatus::SentToT;
} else if (nextStep->status == TurnstileMigrationItemStatus::SentToT) {
// Send it to the final destination address.
auto bal = rpc->getAllBalances()->value(nextStep->intTAddr);
auto sendAmt = bal - Utils::getMinerFee();
if (sendAmt < 0) {
qDebug() << "Not enough balance!";
nextStep->status = TurnstileMigrationItemStatus::NotEnoughBalance;
QList<ToFields> to = { ToFields{ nextStep->destAddr, sendAmt, "", "" } };
// Create the Tx
auto tx = Tx{ nextStep->intTAddr, to, Utils::getMinerFee() };
// And send it
doSendTx(tx, [=] () {
// Update status and write plan to disk
nextStep->status = TurnstileMigrationItemStatus::SentToZS;
void Turnstile::doSendTx(Tx tx, std::function<void(void)> cb) {
json params = json::array();
rpc->fillTxJsonParams(params, tx);
std::cout << std::setw(2) << params << std::endl;
rpc->sendZTransaction(params, [=] (const json& reply) {
QString opid = QString::fromStdString(reply.get<json::string_t>());
qDebug() << opid;
//ui->statusBar->showMessage("Computing Tx: " % opid);
// And then start monitoring the transaction
rpc->addNewTxToWatch(tx, opid);