Hush lite wallet
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

129 lines
3.1 KiB

#include "mainwindow.h"
#include "ui_connection.h"
#include "precompiled.h"
using json = nlohmann::json;
class Controller;
struct ConnectionConfig {
QString server;
bool dangerous;
QString proxy;
class Connection;
class ConnectionLoader {
ConnectionLoader(MainWindow* main, Controller* rpc);
void loadConnection();
std::shared_ptr<ConnectionConfig> autoDetectZcashConf();
std::shared_ptr<ConnectionConfig> loadFromSettings();
Connection* makeConnection(std::shared_ptr<ConnectionConfig> config);
void doAutoConnect();
void createOrRestore(bool dangerous, QString server);
void showError(QString explanation);
void showInformation(QString info, QString detail = "");
void doRPCSetConnection(Connection* conn);
QTimer* syncTimer;
QDialog* d;
Ui_ConnectionDialog* connD;
MainWindow* main;
Controller* rpc;
* An object that will call the callback function in the GUI thread, and destroy itself after the callback is finished
class Callback: public QObject {
Callback(const std::function<void(json)> cb, const std::function<void(QString)> errCb) { this->cb = cb; this->errCb = errCb;}
~Callback() = default;
public slots:
void processRPCCallback(json resp);
void processError(QString error);
std::function<void(json)> cb;
std::function<void(QString)> errCb;
* A runnable that runs some lightclient Command in a non-UI thread.
* It emits the "responseReady" signal, which should be processed in a GUI thread.
* Since the autoDelete flag is ON, the runnable should be destroyed automatically
* by the threadpool.
class Executor : public QObject, public QRunnable {
Executor(QString cmd, QString args) {
this->cmd = cmd;
this->args = args;
~Executor() = default;
bool autoDelete() const { return true; }
virtual void run();
void responseReady(json);
void handleError(QString);
QString cmd;
QString args;
* Represents a connection to a zcashd. It may even start a new zcashd if needed.
* This is also a UI class, so it may show a dialog waiting for the connection.
class Connection : public QObject {
Connection(MainWindow* m, std::shared_ptr<ConnectionConfig> conf);
~Connection() = default;
std::shared_ptr<ConnectionConfig> config;
MainWindow* main;
void shutdown();
void doRPC(const QString cmd, const QString args, const std::function<void(json)>& cb,
const std::function<void(QString)>& errCb);
void doRPCWithDefaultErrorHandling(const QString cmd, const QString args, const std::function<void(json)>& cb);
void doRPCIgnoreError(const QString cmd, const QString args, const std::function<void(json)>& cb) ;
void showTxError(const QString& error);
bool shutdownInProgress = false;