Hush lite wallet
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

454 lines
14 KiB

#include "chatmodel.h"
#include "settings.h"
#include "ui_confirm.h"
#include "controller.h"
#include "mainwindow.h"
#include "ui_mainwindow.h"
#include "addressbook.h"
#include "ui_memodialog.h"
#include "addressbook.h"
#include <QUuid>
ChatModel::ChatModel(std::map<long, ChatItem> chatItems)
this->chatItems = chatItems;
ChatModel::ChatModel(std::vector<ChatItem> chatItems)
std::map<long, ChatItem> ChatModel::getItems()
return this->chatItems;
void ChatModel::setItems(std::map<long, ChatItem> items)
this->chatItems = chatItems;
void ChatModel::setItems(std::vector<ChatItem> items)
for(ChatItem c : items)
this->chatItems[c.getTimestamp()] = c;
void ChatModel::clear()
void ChatModel::addMessage(ChatItem item)
this->chatItems[item.getTimestamp()] = item;
void ChatModel::addMessage(long timestamp, ChatItem item)
this->chatItems[timestamp] = item;
void ChatModel::showMessages()
for(auto &c : this->chatItems)
qDebug() << "[" << c.second.getTimestamp() << "] " << "<" << c.second.getAddress() << "> :" << c.second.getMemo();
void ChatModel::renderChatBox(Ui::MainWindow* ui, QListWidget &view)
/*for(auto &c : this->chatItems)
//view.getItems().add(QString("[Timestamp] <Contactname|Me>: lorem ipsum ...."));
qDebug() << "not implemented yet";
//todo render items to view
void ChatModel::renderChatBox(Ui::MainWindow* ui, QListWidget *view)
while(view->count() > 0)
QString line = "";
for(auto &c : this->chatItems){
QDateTime myDateTime;
//////Render only Memos for selected contacts. Do not render empty Memos
if ((ui->ContactZaddr->text().trimmed() == c.second.getAddress()) && (c.second.getMemo().startsWith("{") == false) && (c.second.getMemo().isEmpty() == false)) {
line += QString("[") + myDateTime.toString("dd.MM.yyyy hh:mm:ss ") + QString("] ");
line += QString("<") + QString(c.second.getContact()) + QString("> :\n");
line += QString(c.second.getMemo()) + QString("\n");
line ="";
if ((ui->MyZaddr->text().trimmed() == c.second.getAddress()) && (c.second.getMemo().startsWith("{") == false) && (c.second.getMemo().isEmpty() == false)){
line += QString("[") + myDateTime.toString("dd.MM.yyyy hh:mm:ss ") + QString("] ");
line += QString("<") + QString(c.second.getContact()) + QString("> :\n");
line += QString(c.second.getMemo()) + QString("\n");
line ="";
QString MainWindow::createHeaderMemo(QString type, QString cid, QString zaddr, int version=0, int headerNumber=1)
QString header="";
QJsonDocument j;
QJsonObject h;
// We use short keynames to use less space for metadata and so allow
// the user to send more actual data in memos
h["h"] = headerNumber; // header number
h["v"] = version; // HushChat version
h["z"] = zaddr; // zaddr to respond to
h["cid"] = cid; // conversation id
h["t"] = type; // Memo or incoming contact request
header = j.toJson();
qDebug() << "made header=" << header;
return header;
// Create a Tx from the current state of the Chat page.
Tx MainWindow::createTxFromChatPage() {
Tx tx;
CAmount totalAmt;
// For each addr/amt in the Chat tab
QString amtStr = "0";
CAmount amt;
amt = CAmount::fromDecimalString("0");
totalAmt = totalAmt + amt;
for(auto &c : AddressBook::getInstance()->getAllAddressLabels())
if (ui->ContactZaddr->text().trimmed() == c.getPartnerAddress()) {
QString cid = c.getCid();
QString myAddr = c.getMyAddress();
QString type = "Memo";
QString addr = c.getPartnerAddress();
QString hmemo= createHeaderMemo(type,cid,myAddr);
QString memo = ui->memoTxtChat->toPlainText().trimmed();
// ui->memoSizeChat->setLenDisplayLabel();// Todo -> activate lendisplay for chat
tx.toAddrs.push_back(ToFields{addr, amt, hmemo}) ;
tx.toAddrs.push_back( ToFields{addr, amt, memo});
qDebug() << "pushback chattx";
} }
tx.fee = Settings::getMinerFee();
return tx;
qDebug() << "ChatTx created";
void MainWindow::sendChatButton() {
////////////////////////////Todo: Check if its a zaddr//////////
// Create a Tx from the values on the send tab. Note that this Tx object
// might not be valid yet.
// Memos can only be used with zAddrs. So check that first
// for(auto &c : AddressBook::getInstance()->getAllAddressLabels())
// if (ui->ContactZaddr->text().trimmed() == c.getName()) {
// auto addr = "";
// if (! Settings::isZAddress(AddressBook::addressFromAddressLabel(addr->text()))) {
// QMessageBox msg(QMessageBox::Critical, tr("Memos can only be used with z-addresses"),
// tr("The memo field can only be used with a z-address.\n") + addr->text() + tr("\ndoesn't look like a z-address"),
// QMessageBox::Ok, this);
// msg.exec();
// return;
// }
Tx tx = createTxFromChatPage();
QString error = doSendChatTxValidations(tx);
if (!error.isEmpty()) {
// Something went wrong, so show an error and exit
QMessageBox msg(QMessageBox::Critical, tr("Message Error"), error,
QMessageBox::Ok, this);
// abort the Tx
qDebug() << "Tx aborted";
// Create a new Dialog to show that we are computing/sending the Tx
auto d = new QDialog(this);
auto connD = new Ui_ConnectionDialog();
QPixmap logo(":/img/res/logobig.gif");
connD->topIcon->setBasePixmap(logo.scaled(256, 256, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation));
connD->status->setText(tr("Please wait..."));
connD->statusDetail->setText(tr("Your Message will be send"));
// And send the Tx
[=] (QString txid) {
ui->statusBar->showMessage(Settings::txidStatusMessage + " " + txid);
QTimer::singleShot(1000, [=]() {
delete connD;
delete d;
// Force a UI update so we get the unconfirmed Tx
// Errored out
[=] (QString opid, QString errStr) {
ui->statusBar->showMessage(QObject::tr(" Tx ") % opid % QObject::tr(" failed"), 15 * 1000);
delete connD;
delete d;
if (!opid.isEmpty())
errStr = QObject::tr("The transaction with id ") % opid % QObject::tr(" failed. The error was") + ":\n\n" + errStr;
QMessageBox::critical(this, QObject::tr("Transaction Error"), errStr, QMessageBox::Ok);
QString MainWindow::doSendChatTxValidations(Tx tx) {
// Check to see if we have enough verified funds to send the Tx.
CAmount total;
for (auto toAddr : tx.toAddrs) {
if (!Settings::isValidAddress(toAddr.addr)) {
QString addr = (toAddr.addr.length() > 100 ? toAddr.addr.left(100) + "..." : toAddr.addr);
return QString(tr("Recipient Address ")) % addr % tr(" is Invalid");
// This technically shouldn't be possible, but issue #62 seems to have discovered a bug
// somewhere, so just add a check to make sure.
if (toAddr.amount.toqint64() < 0) {
return QString(tr("Amount for address '%1' is invalid!").arg(toAddr.addr));
total = total + toAddr.amount;
total = total + tx.fee;
auto available = rpc->getModel()->getAvailableBalance();
if (available < total) {
return tr("Not enough available funds to send this transaction\n\nHave: %1\nNeed: %2\n\nNote: Funds need 5 confirmations before they can be spent")
.arg(available.toDecimalhushString(), total.toDecimalhushString());
return "";
// Create a Contact Request.
Tx MainWindow::createTxForSafeContactRequest() {
Tx tx;
CAmount totalAmt;
QString amtStr = "0";
CAmount amt;
amt = CAmount::fromDecimalString("0");
totalAmt = totalAmt + amt;
for(auto &c : AddressBook::getInstance()->getAllAddressLabels())
if (ui->ContactZaddr->text().trimmed() == c.getName()) {
// QString cid = c.getCid(); // This has to be a new cid for the contact
// QString myAddr = c.getMyAddress(); // this should be a new HushChat zaddr
// QString addr = c.getPartnerAddress(); // this address will be insert by the user
QString cid = "";
QString myAddr = "";
QString addr = "";
QString type = "Request";
QString hmemo= createHeaderMemo(type,cid,myAddr);
tx.toAddrs.push_back(ToFields{addr, amt, hmemo}) ;
qDebug() << "pushback chattx";
tx.fee = Settings::getMinerFee();
return tx;
qDebug() << "ChatTx created";
void MainWindow::safeContactRequest() {
////////////////////////////Todo: Check if its a zaddr//////////
// Create a Tx from the values on the send tab. Note that this Tx object
// might not be valid yet.
// Memos can only be used with zAddrs. So check that first
// for(auto &c : AddressBook::getInstance()->getAllAddressLabels())
// if (ui->ContactZaddr->text().trimmed() == c.getName()) {
// auto addr = "";
// if (! Settings::isZAddress(AddressBook::addressFromAddressLabel(addr->text()))) {
// QMessageBox msg(QMessageBox::Critical, tr("Contact requests can only be used with z-addresses"),
// tr("The memo field can only be used with a z-address.\n") + addr->text() + tr("\ndoesn't look like a z-address"),
// QMessageBox::Ok, this);
// msg.exec();
// return;
// }
Tx tx = createTxForSafeContactRequest();
QString error = doSendChatTxValidations(tx);
if (!error.isEmpty()) {
// Something went wrong, so show an error and exit
QMessageBox msg(QMessageBox::Critical, tr("Message Error"), error,
QMessageBox::Ok, this);
// abort the Tx
qDebug() << "Tx aborted";
// Create a new Dialog to show that we are computing/sending the Tx
auto d = new QDialog(this);
auto connD = new Ui_ConnectionDialog();
QPixmap logo(":/img/res/logobig.gif");
connD->topIcon->setBasePixmap(logo.scaled(256, 256, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation));
connD->status->setText(tr("Please wait..."));
connD->statusDetail->setText(tr("Your Safe Contact Request will be send"));
// And send the Tx
[=] (QString txid) {
ui->statusBar->showMessage(Settings::txidStatusMessage + " " + txid);
QTimer::singleShot(1000, [=]() {
delete connD;
delete d;
// Force a UI update so we get the unconfirmed Tx
// Errored out
[=] (QString opid, QString errStr) {
ui->statusBar->showMessage(QObject::tr(" Tx ") % opid % QObject::tr(" failed"), 15 * 1000);
delete connD;
delete d;
if (!opid.isEmpty())
errStr = QObject::tr("The transaction with id ") % opid % QObject::tr(" failed. The error was") + ":\n\n" + errStr;
QMessageBox::critical(this, QObject::tr("Transaction Error"), errStr, QMessageBox::Ok);
QString MainWindow::doSendRequestTxValidations(Tx tx) {
// Check to see if we have enough verified funds to send the Tx.
CAmount total;
for (auto toAddr : tx.toAddrs) {
if (!Settings::isValidAddress(toAddr.addr)) {
QString addr = (toAddr.addr.length() > 100 ? toAddr.addr.left(100) + "..." : toAddr.addr);
return QString(tr("Recipient Address ")) % addr % tr(" is Invalid");
// This technically shouldn't be possible, but issue #62 seems to have discovered a bug
// somewhere, so just add a check to make sure.
if (toAddr.amount.toqint64() < 0) {
return QString(tr("Amount for address '%1' is invalid!").arg(toAddr.addr));
total = total + toAddr.amount;
total = total + tx.fee;
auto available = rpc->getModel()->getAvailableBalance();
if (available < total) {
return tr("Not enough available funds to send this transaction\n\nHave: %1\nNeed: %2\n\nNote: Funds need 5 confirmations before they can be spent")
.arg(available.toDecimalhushString(), total.toDecimalhushString());
return "";