z_viewtransaction - Hush 3.9.3 RPC

z_viewtransaction "txid"

Get detailed shielded information about in-wallet transaction <txid>

1. "txid"    (string, required) The transaction id

  "txid" : "transactionid",   (string) The transaction id
  "spends" : [
      "type" : "sapling",      (string) The type of address
      "spend" : n,                    (numeric) the index of the spend within vShieldedSpend
      "txidPrev" : "transactionid",   (string) The id for the transaction this note was created in
      "nullifier" : "nullifier",   (string) The nullifier
      "anchor" : "anchor",   (string) The anchor
      "commitment" : "commitment",   (string) The commitment
      "rk" : "rk",   (string) The rk
      "zkproof" : "zkproof",   (string) Hexadecimal string representation of raw zksnark proof
      "outputPrev" : n,               (numeric) the index of the output within the vShieldedOutput
      "address" : "zcashaddress",     (string) The Hush shielded address involved in the transaction
      "value" : x.xxx                 (numeric) The amount in HUSH
      "valueZat" : xxxx               (numeric) The amount in puposhis
  "outputs" : [
      "type" : "sapling",      (string) The type of address
      "output" : n,                   (numeric) the index of the output within the vShieldedOutput
      "address" : "hushaddress",     (string) The Hush address involved in the transaction
      "outgoing" : true|false        (boolean) True if the output is not for an address in the wallet
      "value" : x.xxx                 (numeric) The amount in HUSH
      "valueZat" : xxxx               (numeric) The amount in puposhis
      "memo" : "hexmemo",             (string) Hexademical string representation of the memo field
      "memoStr" : "memo",             (string) Only returned if memo contains valid UTF-8 text.

> hush-cli z_viewtransaction "1075db55d416d3ca199f55b6084e2115b9345e16c5cf302fc80e9d5fbf5d48d"
> hush-cli z_viewtransaction "1075db55d416d3ca199f55b6084e2115b9345e16c5cf302fc80e9d5fbf5d48d" true
> curl --user myusername --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "z_viewtransaction", "params": ["1075db55d416d3ca199f55b6084e2115b9345e16c5cf302fc80e9d5fbf5d48d"] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'

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