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avoid coredump by hardcoding some things

Duke Leto 2 years ago
  1. 31


@ -1146,8 +1146,10 @@ void static RandomXMiner()
fprintf(stderr,"RandomXMiner: created randomxHash of size %d\n", RANDOMX_HASH_SIZE);
// Initial randomx key is chain magic || ac_name which is >= 2^40 bits of entropy assuming strlen(ac_name) >= 1
// For ac_name=DRAGONX we have 4 + 7 = 11 bytes or 2^88 bits of entropy
char randomxKey[4 + strlen(SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL)];
fprintf(stderr,"RandomXMiner: creating randomxKey of size %d\n", 4 + strlen(SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL));
//int randomxKeySize = sizeof(randomxKey); // 4 + strlen(SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL)];
char randomxKey[] = "RANDOMX";
//fprintf(stderr,"RandomXMiner: creating randomxKey of size %d\n", randomxKeySize);
randomxKey[0] = ASSETCHAINS_MAGIC & 0xff;
randomxKey[1] = (ASSETCHAINS_MAGIC >> 8) & 0xff;
randomxKey[2] = (ASSETCHAINS_MAGIC >> 16) & 0xff;
@ -1155,15 +1157,20 @@ void static RandomXMiner()
for(int i=0; i++; i<strlen(SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL) ) {
randomxKey[4+i] = SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL[i];
fprintf(stderr,"RandomXMiner: added %s to randomxKey\n", SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL[i]);
fprintf(stderr,"RandomXMiner: created randomxKey=%s\n", randomxKey);
crypto_generichash_blake2b_state state;
// Hash = blake2b( key || ac_name)
crypto_generichash_blake2b_update(&state, (unsigned char*)&randomxKey[0], 4 + strlen(SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL));
crypto_generichash_blake2b_update(&state, (unsigned char*)&SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL[0], strlen(SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL));
uchar randomxInput[32];
crypto_generichash_blake2b_final(&state, randomxInput, 32);
//crypto_generichash_blake2b_update(&state, (unsigned char*)&randomxKey[0], sizeof(randomxKey));
//crypto_generichash_blake2b_update(&state, (unsigned char*)&randomxKey[0], 4 + strlen(SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL) + 1);
//crypto_generichash_blake2b_update(&state, (unsigned char*)&SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL[0], sizeof(SMART_CHAIN_SYMBOL));
//uchar randomxInput[32];
//crypto_generichash_blake2b_final(&state, randomxInput, 32);
unsigned char randomxInput[] = "RANDOMX";
fprintf(stderr,"RandomXMiner: created randomxInput\n");
randomx_flags flags = randomx_get_flags();
randomx_cache *randomxCache = randomx_alloc_cache(flags);
@ -1179,20 +1186,23 @@ void static RandomXMiner()
// This lag is 80 mins for 75s blocktime and 64 mins for 60s (default) blocktime for HSCs
int randomxBlockLag = 64;
fprintf(stderr,"RandomX using initial key with interval=%d and lag=%d\n", randomxInterval, randomxBlockLag);
fprintf(stderr,"RandomXMiner: Mining_height=%u\n", Mining_height);
// Use the initial key at the start of the chain
if( (Mining_height-randomxBlockLag) < randomxInterval) {
fprintf(stderr,"RandomX using initial key with interval=%d and lag=%d\n", randomxInterval, randomxBlockLag);
if( (Mining_height) < randomxInterval + randomxBlockLag) {
randomx_init_cache(randomxCache, &randomxKey, sizeof randomxKey);
fprintf(stderr,"RandomXMiner: initialized cache with initial key\n");
} else {
// At heights between intervals, we use the same block key and wait randomxBlockLag blocks until changing
int keyHeight = ((Mining_height - randomxBlockLag) / randomxInterval) * randomxInterval;
LogPrintf("RandomX key height=%d\n", keyHeight);
fprintf(stderr,"RandomXMiner: key height=%d\n", keyHeight);
uint256 randomxBlockKey = chainActive[keyHeight]->GetBlockHash();
crypto_generichash_blake2b_state new_state;
crypto_generichash_blake2b_update(&state, (unsigned char *)&randomxBlockKey, 32);
crypto_generichash_blake2b_final(&state, randomxInput, 32);
randomx_init_cache(randomxCache, &randomxBlockKey, sizeof randomxKey);
fprintf(stderr,"RandomXMiner: initialized cache\n");
randomx_vm *myVM = randomx_create_vm(flags, randomxCache, NULL);
@ -1200,10 +1210,13 @@ void static RandomXMiner()
LogPrintf("Cannot create RandomX VM, aborting!\n");
fprintf(stderr,"RandomXMiner: created VM\n");
randomx_calculate_hash(myVM, &randomxInput, sizeof randomxInput, randomxHash);
fprintf(stderr,"RandomXMiner: calculated randomx hash\n");
fprintf(stderr,"RandomXMiner: destroyed VM\n");
printf("RandomX Hash: ");
