• Stable v3.6.2 5ac04de029

    Hush 3.6.2 "Autonomous Aconite"

    duke released this 3 years ago | 0 commits to master since this release

    👀 This is an OPTIONAL but RECOMMENDED Hush Full Node release 👀

    Notable changes

    • 🤖 Autonomous System Map (asmap) bucketing by default
      • 🎉 HUSH is the first cryptocoin to take this work from BTC Core and turn it on by default for all nodes
      • 💯 SD 1.1.1 did this itself, and now we push that change into the full node itself.
      • 🤘 The new CLI flag -asmap is on by default, and can be turned off with -asmap=0
      • 🍑 This setting helps users by having 7.4 million "buckets" for peers instead of only 65000 which the traditional /16 scheme uses. This means all Hush full nodes are more protected against network-layer attacks such as the Erebus Attack: https://erebus-attack.comp.nus.edu.sg/
    • 😉 debug.log is now shrunk to 15MB instead of 100MB
    • 🤓 The max size of debug.log can now be controlled via -maxdebugfilesize
    • 🌈 A new document that gives an Overview of Hush: https://git.hush.is/hush/hush3/src/branch/master/doc/overview.md
    30db6e6f0cab9f4ac0a4c4b5968a9db8e04ee6a2eb23fe4ae51e8e6bf76b8044  hush-3.6.2-ubuntu-16.04-amd64.tar.gz
    2393910c224b98213725bd4671dd245c36c19dbe6abb4015b8df181064eb9b64  hush-3.6.2-ubuntu-16.04.deb