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Merge pull request 'Flag Error 60: better handling of errors, forgotten check for wallettx version' (#27) from lucretius/silentdragonlite-cli:mem into dev

duke 5 months ago
  1. 94
  2. 78
  3. 27
  4. 17


@ -97,52 +97,64 @@ pub fn get_coinsupply(uri: http::Uri, no_cert: bool) -> Result<Coinsupply, Strin
let mut rt = tokio::runtime::Runtime::new().map_err(|e| e.to_string())?;
rt.block_on(get_coinsupply_info(&uri, no_cert)).map_err( |e| e.to_string())
// tokio::runtime::current_thread::Runtime::new().unwrap().block_on(runner)
async fn get_block_range<F : 'static + std::marker::Send>(uri: &http::Uri, start_height: u64, end_height: u64, no_cert: bool, pool: ThreadPool, c: F)
-> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>
async fn get_block_range<F : 'static + std::marker::Send>(
uri: &http::Uri,
start_height: u64,
end_height: u64,
no_cert: bool,
pool: ThreadPool,
c: F
) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>
where F : Fn(&[u8], u64) {
let mut client = get_client(uri, no_cert).await?;
let bs = BlockId{ height: start_height, hash: vec!()};
let be = BlockId{ height: end_height, hash: vec!()};
let bs = BlockId { height: start_height, hash: vec![] };
let be = BlockId { height: end_height, hash: vec![] };
let request = Request::new(BlockRange { start: Some(bs), end: Some(be) });
// Channel where the blocks are sent. A None signifies end of all blocks
let (tx, rx) = channel::<Option<CompactBlock>>();
// Channel that the processor signals it is done, so the method can return
let (ftx, frx) = channel();
// The processor runs on a different thread, so that the network calls don't
// block on this
pool.execute(move || {
while let Some(block) = rx.recv().unwrap() {
while let Ok(Some(block)) = rx.recv() {
use prost::Message;
let mut encoded_buf = vec![];
block.encode(&mut encoded_buf).unwrap();
if let Err(e) = block.encode(&mut encoded_buf) {
eprintln!("Error encoding block: {:?}", e);
c(&encoded_buf, block.height);
if let Err(e) = ftx.send(Ok(())) {
eprintln!("Error sending completion signal: {:?}", e);
let mut response = client.get_block_range(request).await?.into_inner();
//println!("{:?}", response);
while let Some(block) = response.message().await? {
if let Err(e) = tx.send(Some(block)) {
eprintln!("Error sending block to channel: {:?}", e);
if let Err(e) = tx.send(None) {
eprintln!("Error sending end signal to channel: {:?}", e);
// Wait for the processor to exit
frx.iter().take(1).collect::<Result<Vec<()>, String>>()?;
pub fn fetch_blocks<F : 'static + std::marker::Send>(uri: &http::Uri, start_height: u64, end_height: u64, no_cert: bool, pool: ThreadPool, c: F) -> Result<(), String>
where F : Fn(&[u8], u64) {
@ -151,7 +163,6 @@ pub fn fetch_blocks<F : 'static + std::marker::Send>(uri: &http::Uri, start_heig
Err(e) => {
let es = format!("Error creating runtime {:?}", e);
error!("{}", es);
eprintln!("{}", e);
return Err(es);
@ -161,25 +172,43 @@ pub fn fetch_blocks<F : 'static + std::marker::Send>(uri: &http::Uri, start_heig
Err(e) => {
let e = format!("Error fetching blocks {:?}", e);
error!("{}", e);
eprintln!("{}", e);
// get_address_txids GRPC call
async fn get_address_txids<F : 'static + std::marker::Send>(uri: &http::Uri, address: String,
start_height: u64, end_height: u64, no_cert: bool, c: F) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>
async fn get_address_txids<F : 'static + std::marker::Send>(
uri: &http::Uri,
address: String,
start_height: u64,
end_height: u64,
no_cert: bool,
c: F
) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>
where F : Fn(&[u8], u64) {
let mut client = get_client(uri, no_cert).await?;
let mut client = match get_client(uri, no_cert).await {
Ok(client) => client,
Err(e) => {
eprintln!("Error creating client: {:?}", e);
return Err(e.into());
let start = Some(BlockId{ height: start_height, hash: vec!()});
let end = Some(BlockId{ height: end_height, hash: vec!()});
let request = Request::new(TransparentAddressBlockFilter{ address, range: Some(BlockRange{ start, end }) });
let maybe_response = client.get_address_txids(request).await?;
let maybe_response = match client.get_address_txids(request).await {
Ok(response) => response,
Err(e) => {
eprintln!("Error getting address txids: {:?}", e);
return Err(e.into());
let mut response = maybe_response.into_inner();
while let Some(tx) = response.message().await? {
@ -223,8 +252,14 @@ where
pub fn fetch_transparent_txids<F : 'static + std::marker::Send>(uri: &http::Uri, address: String,
start_height: u64, end_height: u64, no_cert: bool, c: F) -> Result<(), String>
pub fn fetch_transparent_txids<F : 'static + std::marker::Send>(
uri: &http::Uri,
address: String,
start_height: u64,
end_height: u64,
no_cert: bool,
c: F
) -> Result<(), String>
where F : Fn(&[u8], u64) {
let mut rt = match tokio::runtime::Runtime::new() {
@ -232,7 +267,6 @@ pub fn fetch_transparent_txids<F : 'static + std::marker::Send>(uri: &http::Uri,
Err(e) => {
let e = format!("Error creating runtime {:?}", e);
error!("{}", e);
eprintln!("{}", e);
return Err(e);
@ -242,13 +276,11 @@ pub fn fetch_transparent_txids<F : 'static + std::marker::Send>(uri: &http::Uri,
Err(e) => {
let e = format!("Error with get_address_txids runtime {:?}", e);
error!("{}", e);
eprintln!("{}", e);
return Err(e)
// get_transaction GRPC call
async fn get_transaction(uri: &http::Uri, txid: TxId, no_cert: bool)
-> Result<RawTransaction, Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
@ -266,7 +298,6 @@ pub fn fetch_full_tx(uri: &http::Uri, txid: TxId, no_cert: bool) -> Result<Vec<u
Err(e) => {
let errstr = format!("Error creating runtime {}", e.to_string());
error!("{}", errstr);
eprintln!("{}", errstr);
return Err(errstr);
@ -276,7 +307,6 @@ pub fn fetch_full_tx(uri: &http::Uri, txid: TxId, no_cert: bool) -> Result<Vec<u
Err(e) => {
let errstr = format!("Error in get_transaction runtime {}", e.to_string());
error!("{}", errstr);
eprintln!("{}", errstr);


@ -1233,7 +1233,7 @@ pub fn start_mempool_monitor(lc: Arc<LightClient>) -> Result<(), String> {
// Sleep exponentially backing off
std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_secs((2 as u64).pow(retry_count)));
println!("Sync error {}\nRetry count {}", e, retry_count);
// println!("Sync error {}\nRetry count {}", e, retry_count);
@ -1477,47 +1477,83 @@ pub fn start_mempool_monitor(lc: Arc<LightClient>) -> Result<(), String> {
fn scan_taddress_txids(&self, pool: &ThreadPool, block_times: Arc<RwLock<HashMap<u64, u32>>>, start_height: u64, end_height: u64, no_cert: bool) -> Result<Vec<()>, String> {
// Copy over addresses so as to not lock up the wallet, which we'll use inside the callback below.
let addresses =
fn scan_taddress_txids(
pool: &ThreadPool,
block_times: Arc<RwLock<HashMap<u64, u32>>>,
start_height: u64,
end_height: u64,
no_cert: bool
) -> Result<Vec<()>, String> {
let addresses =
.map_err(|e| format!("Failed to read wallet: {:?}", e))?
.map(|a| a.clone())
// Create a channel so the fetch_transparent_txids can send the results back
let (ctx, crx) = channel();
let num_addresses = addresses.len();
for address in addresses {
let address_clone = address.clone();
let wallet = self.wallet.clone();
let pool = pool.clone();
let server_uri = self.get_server_uri();
let ctx = ctx.clone();
let block_times = block_times.clone();
pool.execute(move || {
// Fetch the transparent transactions for this address, and send the results
// via the channel
let r = fetch_transparent_txids(&server_uri, address, start_height, end_height,no_cert,
let r = fetch_transparent_txids(
move |tx_bytes: &[u8], height: u64| {
let tx = Transaction::read(tx_bytes).unwrap();
let tx_result = Transaction::read(tx_bytes)
.map_err(|e| format!("Failed to read transaction: {:?}", e));
match tx_result {
Ok(tx) => {
let datetime_result =
.map_err(|e| format!("Failed to read block times: {:?}", e))
.and_then(|bt| bt.get(&height).cloned().ok_or_else(|| format!("No datetime for height: {}", height)));
match datetime_result {
Ok(datetime) => {
match|e| format!("Failed to read wallet: {:?}", e)) {
Ok(w) => {
w.scan_full_tx(&tx, height as i32, datetime as u64);
Err(e) => {
println!("Error reading wallet: {}", e);
Err(e) => {
println!("Error processing transaction: {}", e);
Err(e) => {
println!("Error reading transaction: {}", e);
// Scan this Tx for transparent inputs and outputs
let datetime =|v| *v).unwrap_or(0);, height as i32, datetime as u64);
match ctx.send(r) {
Ok(_) => info!("Successfully sent data for address: {}", address_clone),
Err(e) => println!("Failed to send data for address: {}: {:?}", address_clone, e),
// Collect all results from the transparent fetches, and make sure everything was OK.
// If it was not, we return an error, which will go back to the retry
crx.iter().take(num_addresses).collect::<Result<Vec<()>, String>>()
fn scan_fill_fulltxs(&self, pool: &ThreadPool, decoy_txids: Vec<(TxId, i32)>) -> Result<Vec<()>, String> {
// We need to first copy over the Txids from the wallet struct, because


@ -1470,10 +1470,13 @@ pub fn scan_full_tx(&self, tx: &Transaction, height: i32, datetime: u64) {
// Do it in a short scope because of the write lock.
info!("A sapling output was sent in {}", tx.txid());
let mut txs = self.txs.write().unwrap();
if txs.get(&tx.txid()).unwrap().outgoing_metadata.iter()
.find(|om| om.address == address && om.value == note.value && om.memo == memo)
.is_some() {
match self.txs.write() {
Ok(mut txs) => {
match txs.get(&tx.txid()) {
Some(wtx) => {
if wtx.outgoing_metadata.iter()
.any(|om| om.address == address && om.value == note.value && om.memo == memo)
warn!("Duplicate outgoing metadata");
@ -1482,8 +1485,22 @@ pub fn scan_full_tx(&self, tx: &Transaction, height: i32, datetime: u64) {
.push(OutgoingTxMetadata {
address, value: note.value, memo,
value: note.value,
None => {
error!("Can not find any entry for txid : {}", tx.txid());
Err(poisoned) => {
error!("Lock is poisoned: {}", poisoned);
None => {}


@ -440,7 +440,7 @@ pub struct WalletTx {
impl WalletTx {
pub fn serialized_version() -> u64 {
return 4;
return 5;
pub fn new(height: i32, datetime: u64, txid: &TxId) -> Self {
@ -460,10 +460,9 @@ impl WalletTx {
pub fn read<R: Read>(mut reader: R) -> io::Result<Self> {
let version = reader.read_u64::<LittleEndian>()?;
assert!(version <= WalletTx::serialized_version());
assert!(version <= WalletTx::serialized_version(), "Version mismatch. Please restore with your Seed");
let block = reader.read_i32::<LittleEndian>()?;
let datetime = if version >= 4 {
} else {
@ -472,19 +471,20 @@ impl WalletTx {
let mut txid_bytes = [0u8; 32];
reader.read_exact(&mut txid_bytes)?;
let txid = TxId{0: txid_bytes};
let notes = Vector::read(&mut reader, |r| SaplingNoteData::read(r))?;
let utxos = Vector::read(&mut reader, |r| Utxo::read(r))?;
let total_shielded_value_spent = reader.read_u64::<LittleEndian>()?;
let total_transparent_value_spent = reader.read_u64::<LittleEndian>()?;
// Outgoing metadata was only added in version 2
let outgoing_metadata = Vector::read(&mut reader, |r| OutgoingTxMetadata::read(r))?;
let incoming_metadata = Vector::read(&mut reader, |r| IncomingTxMetadata::read(r))?;
// Read incoming_metadata only if version is 5 or higher
let incoming_metadata = if version >= 5 {
Vector::read(&mut reader, |r| IncomingTxMetadata::read(r))?
} else {
let full_tx_scanned = reader.read_u8()? > 0;
@ -502,6 +502,7 @@ impl WalletTx {
pub fn write<W: Write>(&self, mut writer: W) -> io::Result<()> {
