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- Duke Leto and The Hush Developers
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<h1>Hush Is Better Than Zcash</h1>
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<h2>Hush Is Better Than Zcash Because...</h2>
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<h4>Hush Has Mandatory Privacy</h4>
Zcash has ignored the fact that optional privacy is NO PRIVACY AT ALL for over four years.
All major blockchain analysis companies support Zcash now, but they don't support Hush.
<img height="25%" src="./zec-pain-train.jpg">
At this point, it seems that Zcash has no mandatory privacy because it's financially profitable for them to not have privacy, so they can sell services to ChainAnalysis, CipherTrace and friends.
<a target=_blank href=""><img width="50%" src="./clapping.gif"></a>
<h4>Hush Is Not In Debt To Investors</h4>
Zcash raised $3 Million USD from investors, which they must pay back, at least 10-100x or maybe more to satisfy the original investors. This is why the price of ZEC in satoshis (not USD), always goes down. They are paying back initial investors by selling parts of the Founders Reward. Recently Zcash <b>renamed</b> the Founders Reward, and made it even harder to track where the money goes. This does not change anything at all, just makes them look shadier.
<a target="_blank" href=""><img border=0 width="50%" src="./old-tweet.png"></a>
Recently the <a target=_blank href="">entire Zcash company was donated to a non-profit</a>, that nobody has heard of! This was after changing their name legally to "Electric Coin Company", further throwing shade on their operation. Note that Zcash Company already was a Swiss-based Company with a US company subsidiary and a 501c3 non-profit called Zcash Foundation, which they constantly fought with. When does an entire for-profit VC-funded company get donated to a non-profit? Sounds quite shady indeed.
<h4>Hush Uses Bitcoin For Security</h4>
<a target="_blank" href=""><img border=0 width="50%" src="./licking-hush.gif"></a>
Zcash stupidly tries to compete and replace Bitcoin, Hush relies on BTC mainnet for protection from mining attacks. This is done via Delayed-Proof-of-Work, which allows blockchains with smaller hashrates to be protected by blockchains with larger hashrates.
<h4>Hush has Sietch</h4>
<a target="_blank" href=""><img border=0 width="50%" src="./zec-drake.jpg"></a>
Sietch has been protecting HUSH mainnet since September 2019 and adds Monero-like protections on top of Zcash Protocol,
which is why we describe Hush Protocol as an improved Zcash Protocol. The Sietch whitepaper is called <a href="">Attacking Zcash
Protocol For Fun And Profit</a> and is also available on <a href="">IACR</a>
<h4>Hush has HushChat</h4>
HushChat is a decentralized Signal competitor, and HushChat Protocol implements a protocol very similar
to Signal Protocol, with ratcheting, where we replace traditional metadata-nightmare phone numbers with
shielded Hush addresses. No centralized servers, no companies, no phone numbers, no JavaScript, Plausible
Deniability and support for <b>emoji</b>!
<a target="_blank" href=""><img border=0 width="50%" src="./hushchat-screen.png"></a>
<h4>Hush Tells The Public The Truth</h4>
Zcash tries to hide security problems and their various shady dealings with various organizations.
For example, the <a href="">Sprout CVE</a> was kept secret for about a year by Zcash Company and then dumped on the greater community like a large turd sandwhich for lunch.
Another Zcash vulnerability <a href="">CVE-2019-16930 was publicly disclosed by Duke Leto</a>.
<a target="_blank" href=""><img border=0 width="50%" src="./help-metadata-leakage.png?zcash=milktoast"></a>
Zcash Company was trying to keep it secret
and this is when most Zcash people, including security officers and engineering, blocked him on Twitter, to the detriment of all Zcash users.
The <a href="">"Sapling Woodchipper" CVE-2019-11636</a> has actually gotten worse since the creation of that website, since Zcash made their transaction fees ten times
less, in an effort to control fees, they made the attack ten times cheaper. Since Github has suspened the account of <a href="">Duke Leto</a> for unknown reasons, the website will be updated and migrated to <a href="></a> . Duke develops code free from the censorship and racism of Github/Microsoft <a href="" target=_blank>here</a>.
<h4>Hush Uses The Same Zero-Knowledge Math, For Free</h4>
Zcash spent millions of dollars to develop bleeding edge new mathematics, called <a href=""><b>zk-SNARKs</b> (zero knowledge succinct non-interactive arguments of knowledge)</a>, which
Hush uses <b>for free</b>. Zcash Company additionally spends obscene amounts of money maintaining this code
as an upstream, <b>for free</b>. Zcash has no "technological moat" and Hush takes all the best ideas, <b>for free</b>,
and combines them with the best ideas from Monero. Thanks Zcash!
<a target="_blank" href=""><img border=0 width="50%" src="./how-it-goes.jpg"></a>
<h4>Hush Is Free Software</h4>
We are a GPLv3 Free Software community, so Hush owns it's own patents and intellectual property. If you
use our stuff in an uncool way, we will send <a href="">Software Freedom Law Center</a> to you. They love GPLv3 enforcement.
<a target=_blank href=""><img width="50%" src="shoveling-hush-money.gif"></a>
are open to granting MIT/Apache2 licenses to companies who want to use our code in business ventures, which we support. We just don't support writing code for free and then companies taking it, making their riches, and giving nothing back and not appropriately paying the people who maintain production. Pay before you play.
<h4>Hush Has Network-Level Privacy</h4>
Zcash (and Bitcoin itself) have no network-level privacy, unfortunately. It makes sense for Bitcoin, because it is not a privacy coin, and everything is public. Encrypting connections between Bitcoin full nodes would mostly be a waste of resources, and it would prevent some very old or resource constrained computers from joining the network, potentially. OK Satoshi, you get a pass from Duke.
Now Zcash, on the otherhand, is supposed to be a <b>privacy coin</b> right? It would benefit from network-level privacy such as SSL/TLS (like the little green lock in your browser), but they never implemented it. Either they are stupid and lazy, or they are smart and realize that since most Zcash transactions don't use privacy, it's basically worthless to add network encryption to Zcash.
Hush has <b>mandatory</b> network-level TLS 1.3 encryption between all peers, the current best in world, used by all modern web servers and browsers. All legacy ciphersuites are turned off and Hush only supports TLS 1.3, unlike almost any other software out there. We can do this because we are so young of a project, compared to projects that are decades old, and because our users must upgrade to stay on the correct blockchain.
<a border=0 alt="Zcash versus Hush: Steve Urkel vs Nipsey Hussle crew" target=_blank href=""><img width="95%" src="./zcash-versus-hush.png"></a>
Hush nodes have mandatory privacy <b>on the blockchain</b> and <b>on the network</b> and these two things together combine to make Hush <b>exponentially</b> more private than Zcash.
<h4>Hush Is A Platform To Make Privacy Coins</h4>
Hush gives you the ultimate freedom to make your own privacy coins, which can integrate with Hush or not.
Zcash wants to be a king, where you live on their land and pay them a tax. With Hush, you can make your
own kingdom (or queendom) and there <b>are no taxes</b> paid to Hush, as opposed to building on Ethereum, where all
tokens depend on ETH and pay tribute. <a href="">Hush Smart Chains</a> can be completely independent of Hush, or be protected by Hush (and Bitcoin hashrate) via Delayed-Proof-of-Work.
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Copyright 2020-2021 The Hush Developers
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