Browse Source

added mytokenorders rpc

dimxy 5 years ago
  1. 2
  2. 64
  3. 1
  4. 1
  5. 38


@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ bool AssetCalcAmounts(struct CCcontract_info *cpAssets, int64_t &inputs, int64_t
//int64_t GetAssetBalance(CPubKey pk,uint256 tokenid); // --> GetTokenBalance()
int64_t AddAssetInputs(struct CCcontract_info *cp, CMutableTransaction &mtx, CPubKey pk, uint256 assetid, int64_t total, int32_t maxinputs);
UniValue AssetOrders(uint256 tokenid);
UniValue AssetOrders(uint256 tokenid, CPubKey pubkey);
//UniValue AssetInfo(uint256 tokenid);
//UniValue AssetList();
//std::string CreateAsset(int64_t txfee,int64_t assetsupply,std::string name,std::string description);


@ -66,43 +66,44 @@ int64_t AddAssetInputs(struct CCcontract_info *cp,CMutableTransaction &mtx,CPubK
UniValue AssetOrders(uint256 refassetid)
UniValue AssetOrders(uint256 refassetid, CPubKey pk)
static uint256 zero;
UniValue result(UniValue::VARR);
struct CCcontract_info *cpAssets, assetsC;
struct CCcontract_info *cpTokens, tokensC;
cpAssets = CCinit(&assetsC, EVAL_ASSETS);
cpTokens = CCinit(&assetsC, EVAL_TOKENS);
auto addOrders = [&](struct CCcontract_info *cp, std::vector<std::pair<CAddressUnspentKey, CAddressUnspentValue> >::const_iterator it)
uint256 txid, hashBlock, assetid, assetid2;
int64_t price;
std::vector<uint8_t> origpubkey;
CTransaction vintx;
CTransaction ordertx;
uint8_t funcid, evalCode;
char numstr[32], funcidstr[16], origaddr[64], assetidstr[65];
char numstr[32], funcidstr[16], origaddr[64], origtokenaddr[64], assetidstr[65];
txid = it->first.txhash;
//std::cerr << "addOrders() txid=" << txid.GetHex() << std::endl;
if ( GetTransaction(txid, vintx, hashBlock, false) != 0 )
if ( GetTransaction(txid, ordertx, hashBlock, false) != 0 )
// for logging: funcid = DecodeAssetOpRet(vintx.vout[vintx.vout.size() - 1].scriptPubKey, evalCode, assetid, assetid2, price, origpubkey);
//std::cerr << "addOrders() vintx.vout.size()=" << vintx.vout.size() << " funcid=" << (char)(funcid ? funcid : ' ') << " assetid=" << assetid.GetHex() << std::endl;
if (vintx.vout.size() > 0 && (funcid = DecodeAssetTokenOpRet(vintx.vout[vintx.vout.size()-1].scriptPubKey, evalCode, assetid, assetid2, price, origpubkey)) != 0)
if (refassetid != zero && assetid != refassetid)
//int32_t z;
//for (z=31; z>=0; z--) fprintf(stderr,"%02x",((uint8_t *)&txid)[z]);
//fprintf(stderr," txid\n");
//for (z=31; z>=0; z--) fprintf(stderr,"%02x",((uint8_t *)&assetid)[z]);
//fprintf(stderr," assetid\n");
//for (z=31; z>=0; z--) fprintf(stderr,"%02x",((uint8_t *)&refassetid)[z]);
//fprintf(stderr," refassetid\n");
if (ordertx.vout.size() > 0 && (funcid = DecodeAssetTokenOpRet(ordertx.vout[ordertx.vout.size()-1].scriptPubKey, evalCode, assetid, assetid2, price, origpubkey)) != 0)
LOGSTREAM("ccassets", CCLOG_DEBUG2, stream << "addOrders() checking ordertx.vout.size()=" << ordertx.vout.size() << " funcid=" << (char)(funcid ? funcid : ' ') << " assetid=" << assetid.GetHex() << std::endl);
if (refassetid != zero && assetid != refassetid ||
pk.IsValid() && pk == pubkey2pk(origpubkey) && (funcid == 'S' || funcid == 's'))
//std::cerr << "addOrders() it->first.index=" << it->first.index << " vintx.vout[it->first.index].nValue=" << vintx.vout[it->first.index].nValue << std::endl;
if (vintx.vout[it->first.index].nValue == 0)
LOGSTREAM("ccassets", CCLOG_DEBUG2, stream << "addOrders() it->first.index=" << it->first.index << " ordertx.vout[it->first.index].nValue=" << ordertx.vout[it->first.index].nValue << std::endl);
if (ordertx.vout[it->first.index].nValue == 0) {
LOGSTREAM("ccassets", CCLOG_DEBUG2, stream << "addOrders() order with value=0 skipped" << std::endl);
UniValue item(UniValue::VOBJ);
@ -113,22 +114,25 @@ UniValue AssetOrders(uint256 refassetid)
item.push_back(Pair("vout", (int64_t)it->first.index));
if (funcid == 'b' || funcid == 'B')
sprintf(numstr, "%.8f", (double)ordertx.vout[it->first.index].nValue / COIN);
item.push_back(Pair("amount", numstr));
sprintf(numstr, "%.8f", (double)ordertx.vout[0].nValue / COIN);
item.push_back(Pair("bidamount", numstr));
sprintf(numstr,"%llu",(long long)vintx.vout[it->first.index].nValue);
sprintf(numstr, "%llu", (long long)ordertx.vout[it->first.index].nValue);
item.push_back(Pair("amount", numstr));
sprintf(numstr,"%llu",(long long)vintx.vout[0].nValue);
sprintf(numstr, "%llu", (long long)ordertx.vout[0].nValue);
item.push_back(Pair("askamount", numstr));
if (origpubkey.size() == 33)
GetCCaddress(cp, origaddr, pubkey2pk(origpubkey)); // TODO: what is this? is it asset or token??
GetCCaddress(cp, origaddr, pubkey2pk(origpubkey));
item.push_back(Pair("origaddress", origaddr));
GetTokensCCaddress(cpTokens, origtokenaddr, pubkey2pk(origpubkey));
item.push_back(Pair("origtokenaddress", origtokenaddr));
if (assetid != zeroid)
item.push_back(Pair("tokenid", uint256_str(assetidstr, assetid)));
@ -140,26 +144,24 @@ UniValue AssetOrders(uint256 refassetid)
sprintf(numstr, "%.8f", (double)price / COIN);
item.push_back(Pair("totalrequired", numstr));
sprintf(numstr,"%.8f",(double)price / (COIN * vintx.vout[0].nValue));
sprintf(numstr, "%.8f", (double)price / (COIN * ordertx.vout[0].nValue));
item.push_back(Pair("price", numstr));
item.push_back(Pair("totalrequired", (int64_t)price));
sprintf(numstr,"%.8f",(double)vintx.vout[0].nValue / (price * COIN));
sprintf(numstr, "%.8f", (double)ordertx.vout[0].nValue / (price * COIN));
item.push_back(Pair("price", numstr));
//fprintf(stderr,"addOrders() func.(%c) %s/v%d %.8f\n",funcid,uint256_str(assetidstr,txid),(int32_t)it->first.index,(double)vintx.vout[it->first.index].nValue/COIN);
LOGSTREAM("ccassets", CCLOG_DEBUG1, stream << "addOrders() added order funcId=" << (char)(funcid ? funcid : ' ') << " it->first.index=" << it->first.index << " ordertx.vout[it->first.index].nValue=" << ordertx.vout[it->first.index].nValue << " tokenid=" << assetid.GetHex() << std::endl);
std::vector<std::pair<CAddressUnspentKey, CAddressUnspentValue> > unspentOutputsTokens, unspentOutputsCoins;
struct CCcontract_info *cpAssets, assetsC;
cpAssets = CCinit(&assetsC, EVAL_ASSETS);
char assetsUnspendableAddr[64];
GetCCaddress(cpAssets, assetsUnspendableAddr, GetUnspendable(cpAssets, NULL));


@ -499,6 +499,7 @@ static const CRPCCommand vRPCCommands[] =
{ "tokens", "tokeninfo", &tokeninfo, true },
{ "tokens", "tokenlist", &tokenlist, true },
{ "tokens", "tokenorders", &tokenorders, true },
{ "tokens", "mytokenorders", &mytokenorders, true },
{ "tokens", "tokenaddress", &tokenaddress, true },
{ "tokens", "tokenbalance", &tokenbalance, true },
{ "tokens", "tokencreate", &tokencreate, true },


@ -241,6 +241,7 @@ extern UniValue coinsupply(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp);
extern UniValue tokeninfo(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp);
extern UniValue tokenlist(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp);
extern UniValue tokenorders(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp);
extern UniValue mytokenorders(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp);
extern UniValue tokenbalance(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp);
extern UniValue assetsaddress(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp);
extern UniValue tokenaddress(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp);


@ -7038,8 +7038,8 @@ UniValue tokenorders(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp)
uint256 tokenid;
if ( fHelp || params.size() > 1 )
throw runtime_error("tokenorders [tokenid]\n");
if ( ensure_CCrequirements(EVAL_ASSETS) < 0 )
throw runtime_error("tokenorders tokenid\n");
if (ensure_CCrequirements(EVAL_ASSETS) < 0 || ensure_CCrequirements(EVAL_TOKENS) < 0)
throw runtime_error("to use CC contracts, you need to launch daemon with valid -pubkey= for an address in your wallet\n");
const CKeyStore& keystore = *pwalletMain;
LOCK2(cs_main, pwalletMain->cs_wallet);
@ -7048,9 +7048,25 @@ UniValue tokenorders(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp)
if (tokenid == zeroid)
throw runtime_error("incorrect tokenid\n");
else {
// memset(&tokenid, 0, sizeof(tokenid));
throw runtime_error("no tokenid\n");
return(AssetOrders(tokenid, CPubKey()));
UniValue mytokenorders(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp)
uint256 tokenid;
if (fHelp || params.size() > 1)
throw runtime_error("mytokenorders\n");
if (ensure_CCrequirements(EVAL_ASSETS) < 0 || ensure_CCrequirements(EVAL_TOKENS) < 0)
throw runtime_error("to use CC contracts, you need to launch daemon with valid -pubkey= for an address in your wallet\n");
const CKeyStore& keystore = *pwalletMain;
LOCK2(cs_main, pwalletMain->cs_wallet);
return(AssetOrders(zeroid, Mypubkey()));
UniValue tokenbalance(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp)
@ -7235,7 +7251,7 @@ UniValue tokenbid(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp)
UniValue result(UniValue::VOBJ); int64_t bidamount,numtokens; std::string hex; double price; uint256 tokenid;
if ( fHelp || params.size() != 3 )
throw runtime_error("tokenbid numtokens tokenid price\n");
if ( ensure_CCrequirements(EVAL_ASSETS) < 0 )
if (ensure_CCrequirements(EVAL_ASSETS) < 0 || ensure_CCrequirements(EVAL_TOKENS) < 0)
throw runtime_error("to use CC contracts, you need to launch daemon with valid -pubkey= for an address in your wallet\n");
const CKeyStore& keystore = *pwalletMain;
LOCK2(cs_main, pwalletMain->cs_wallet);
@ -7277,7 +7293,7 @@ UniValue tokencancelbid(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp)
UniValue result(UniValue::VOBJ); std::string hex; int32_t i; uint256 tokenid,bidtxid;
if ( fHelp || params.size() != 2 )
throw runtime_error("tokencancelbid tokenid bidtxid\n");
if ( ensure_CCrequirements(EVAL_ASSETS) < 0 )
if (ensure_CCrequirements(EVAL_ASSETS) < 0 || ensure_CCrequirements(EVAL_TOKENS) < 0)
throw runtime_error("to use CC contracts, you need to launch daemon with valid -pubkey= for an address in your wallet\n");
const CKeyStore& keystore = *pwalletMain;
LOCK2(cs_main, pwalletMain->cs_wallet);
@ -7302,7 +7318,7 @@ UniValue tokenfillbid(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp)
UniValue result(UniValue::VOBJ); int64_t fillamount; std::string hex; uint256 tokenid,bidtxid;
if ( fHelp || params.size() != 3 )
throw runtime_error("tokenfillbid tokenid bidtxid fillamount\n");
if ( ensure_CCrequirements(EVAL_ASSETS) < 0 )
if (ensure_CCrequirements(EVAL_ASSETS) < 0 || ensure_CCrequirements(EVAL_TOKENS) < 0)
throw runtime_error("to use CC contracts, you need to launch daemon with valid -pubkey= for an address in your wallet\n");
const CKeyStore& keystore = *pwalletMain;
LOCK2(cs_main, pwalletMain->cs_wallet);
@ -7334,7 +7350,7 @@ UniValue tokenask(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp)
UniValue result(UniValue::VOBJ); int64_t askamount,numtokens; std::string hex; double price; uint256 tokenid;
if ( fHelp || params.size() != 3 )
throw runtime_error("tokenask numtokens tokenid price\n");
if ( ensure_CCrequirements(EVAL_ASSETS) < 0 )
if (ensure_CCrequirements(EVAL_ASSETS) < 0 || ensure_CCrequirements(EVAL_TOKENS) < 0)
throw runtime_error("to use CC contracts, you need to launch daemon with valid -pubkey= for an address in your wallet\n");
const CKeyStore& keystore = *pwalletMain;
LOCK2(cs_main, pwalletMain->cs_wallet);
@ -7396,7 +7412,7 @@ UniValue tokencancelask(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp)
UniValue result(UniValue::VOBJ); std::string hex; int32_t i; uint256 tokenid,asktxid;
if ( fHelp || params.size() != 2 )
throw runtime_error("tokencancelask tokenid asktxid\n");
if ( ensure_CCrequirements(EVAL_ASSETS) < 0 )
if (ensure_CCrequirements(EVAL_ASSETS) < 0 || ensure_CCrequirements(EVAL_TOKENS) < 0)
throw runtime_error("to use CC contracts, you need to launch daemon with valid -pubkey= for an address in your wallet\n");
const CKeyStore& keystore = *pwalletMain;
LOCK2(cs_main, pwalletMain->cs_wallet);
@ -7421,7 +7437,7 @@ UniValue tokenfillask(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp)
UniValue result(UniValue::VOBJ); int64_t fillunits; std::string hex; uint256 tokenid,asktxid;
if ( fHelp || params.size() != 3 )
throw runtime_error("tokenfillask tokenid asktxid fillunits\n");
if ( ensure_CCrequirements(EVAL_ASSETS) < 0 )
if (ensure_CCrequirements(EVAL_ASSETS) < 0 || ensure_CCrequirements(EVAL_TOKENS) < 0)
throw runtime_error("to use CC contracts, you need to launch daemon with valid -pubkey= for an address in your wallet\n");
const CKeyStore& keystore = *pwalletMain;
LOCK2(cs_main, pwalletMain->cs_wallet);
