Hush lite wallet
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// Copyright 2019-2023 The Hush developers
3 years ago
// Released under the GPLv3
5 years ago
#include "camount.h"
#include "precompiled.h"
struct UnspentOutput {
QString address;
QString txid;
5 years ago
CAmount amount;
int blockCreated;
bool spendable;
bool pending;
// Data class that holds all the data about the wallet.
class DataModel {
void replaceZaddresses(QList<QString>* newZ);
void replaceTaddresses(QList<QString>* newZ);
5 years ago
void replaceBalances(QMap<QString, CAmount>* newBalances);
void replaceUTXOs(QList<UnspentOutput>* utxos);
void markAddressUsed(QString address);
void setLatestBlock(int blockHeight);
int getLatestBlock() { QReadLocker locker(lock); return this->latestBlock; }
void setEncryptionStatus(bool encrypted, bool locked) { this->isEncrypted = encrypted; this->isLocked = locked; }
QPair<bool, bool> getEncryptionStatus() { return qMakePair(this->isEncrypted, this->isLocked); }
const QList<QString> getAllZAddresses() { QReadLocker locker(lock); return *zaddresses; }
const QList<QString> getAllTAddresses() { QReadLocker locker(lock); return *taddresses; }
const QList<UnspentOutput> getUTXOs() { QReadLocker locker(lock); return *utxos; }
5 years ago
const QMap<QString, CAmount> getAllBalances() { QReadLocker locker(lock); return *balances; }
const QMap<QString, bool> getUsedAddresses() { QReadLocker locker(lock); return *usedAddresses; }
CAmount getAvailableBalance() { QReadLocker locker(lock); return availableBalance; }
void setAvailableBalance(CAmount a) { QReadLocker locker(lock); this->availableBalance = a; }
CAmount getBalT() { QReadLocker locker(lock); return balT; }
void setBalT(CAmount a) { QReadLocker locker(lock); this->balT = a; }
CAmount getBalZ() { QReadLocker locker(lock); return balZ; }
void setBalZ(CAmount a) { QReadLocker locker(lock); this->balZ = a; }
CAmount getBalVerified() { QReadLocker locker(lock); return balVerified; }
void setBalVerified(CAmount a) { QReadLocker locker(lock); this->balVerified = a; }
CAmount getBalSpendable() { QReadLocker locker(lock); return balSpendable; }
void setBalSpendable(CAmount a) { QReadLocker locker(lock); this->balSpendable = a; }
CAmount getTotalPending() { QReadLocker locker(lock); return totalPending; }
void setTotalPending(CAmount a) { QReadLocker locker(lock); this->totalPending = a; }
int latestBlock;
bool isEncrypted = false;
bool isLocked = false;
QList<UnspentOutput>* utxos = nullptr;
5 years ago
QMap<QString, CAmount>* balances = nullptr;
QMap<QString, bool>* usedAddresses = nullptr;
QList<QString>* zaddresses = nullptr;
QList<QString>* taddresses = nullptr;
CAmount availableBalance;
CAmount totalPending; // Outgoing pending is -ve
CAmount balT;
CAmount balZ;
CAmount balVerified;
CAmount balSpendable;
QReadWriteLock* lock;
3 years ago
#endif // DATAMODEL_H