• Stable v3.10.0 f85976f620

    Hush 3.10.0 "Sassy Siphonophore"

    duke released this 5 months ago | 0 commits to master since this release

    Hush 3.10.0 "Sassy Siphonophore"

    132 files changed, 6387 insertions(+), 2084 deletions(-)

    This is a MANDATORY release for Hush and ALL nodes must upgrade by block height 1605555, which will happen on approximately Dec 16th 2023. YOU MUST UPGRADE YOUR HUSH FULL NODE TO THIS RELEASE BY DEC 15th 2023. If you do not, your node will not work correctly and will require a fresh sync to fix.

    This is an OPTIONAL release for DragonX but it is highly recommended for miners and exchanges
    to update to this release.

    Optimization 🚀

    • Hush and all Hush Smart Chains now use less RAM #283
      • Hush full nodes will use ~2GB less RAM
      • DragonX full nodes will use ~30MB less RAM

    Antispam defenses 🛡️

    • Hush and all Hush Smart Chains now make it harder and more expensive for an attacker to send shielded spam. This raises the cost in CPU 14d3ae1785 and transaction fees 2308db22ee for Denial-of-Service attacks.

    Bug fixes 🐛

    • Fix a bug where hush-cli stop would not stop the node during the "Building Witnesses" rescan phase #330
    • Fix bugs where abortrescan couldn't be used when node is start up (RPC warmup) and where it could not abort the rescan if it was in the "Building Witnesses" phase #331
    • Fix bug in z_mergetoaddress where docs said you could use ANY_ZADDR but you couldn't 7eb9d75b94

    New RPC 🖥️

    • RPC z_listunspent now returns the text representation of a memo in memoStr key
    • New RPC z_getstats which reports data about numer of shielded inputs (zins) and shielded outputs (zouts) in transactions. 96ae2d61ca

    CVE fix 💣

    • Upgraded curl to 8.4.0 #325
      • This fixes CVE-2023-38545 which affects very few or potentially no Hush/DragonX users. It could only affect people who compile Hush full node software (not those who use binaries or packages) and who use a malicious SOCKS5 proxy for all network traffic via the operating system.

    New documentation 📖

    Consensus change 🔥

    • Decentralized Devtax for improved scalability and operational security.

    DragonX specific changes 🐲

    • Updated to latest RandomX v1.2.1 which includes mining optimizations 6029b3d571 #337
    • Fix RandomX mining memory leak and crash #324
    • This fixes the bug where stopping mining, making a transaction and then starting mining again
    • This also avoids an out-of-memory crash when miners change the number of threads of mining
    • Fixing this bug lead to a 10% hashrate increase vs the previous release
    • Fixed quoting bugs with dragonx-cli script
    • For instance, many RPCs such as dragonx z_sendmany ... would not previously work because the arguments to the RPC were not quoted correctly.

    SHA256 Checksums

    1c7579f66181a42dd02343954f676d58b93a18fe2e480000a2fa4c625a1c0a5f hush-3.10.0-amd64.deb
    26d535e553feba71837c5d9e4441c6cbd9090095e30367b7743a31910bf8428e hush-3.10.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz
    53b8a12ea02fb354ba578ea64567a7c0cab40a12fca3951cdd50316943ed99f8 hush-3.10.0-mac.zip
    84d54cd5eae314eda96c029572138fba703887fed5836dc6b439a52e22701be0 hush-3.10.0-win.zip
    aba8e4c84fbc60fe97f4bf0ffebf328297ad444d4e9232e75f5a8fd599a2406a hush-3.10.0-aarch64.deb
    67b13490d3481633d0cfebf3f3f220e5d019ab536d7a05e82927acbb03409a72 hush-3.10.0-aarch64.tar.gz